To avoid another lawsuit with Atari (which they had previously received for creating "Super Missile Attack", a Missile Command hack), G.C.C. Pac-Man started as an unauthorized hack of Pac-Man called Crazy Otto by General Computer Corporation, featuring a Pac-Man-like character with a blue eye and legs. Screenshot from a fan-made hack, recreating Crazy Otto. Tunnels do not slow the ghosts down after Round 3.There are no longer any paths that the ghosts cannot travel through.From there, while they will change direction occasionally, they will remain in constant attack.

The ghosts do not move in "scatter" and "chase" cycles as they did in the original game Blinky and Pinky will move randomly and Inky and Sue will head for their "scatter" corners only during first behavior mode of a round.The orange ghost (originally named "Clyde") is now named "Sue".Pac-Man first meet, the second shows the two chasing each other around the screen, and the third shows Pac-Man and Ms. The intermissions have been changed to "Acts".An exception is the third maze, where the right entrance weirdly has another rare entry path. Each maze entrance has one entry and exit path.It starts at one of the tunnel entrances and follows a hardcoded path to the ghost house where after doing one lap clockwise, it follows another hardcoded path to leave through another maze entrance. The fruit bounces around the screen instead of remaining stationary below the ghost pen.After the banana appears, the fruit prizes are chosen at random. The Fruits are now cherries, strawberries, oranges, pretzels, apples, pears, and bananas, respectively.Starting with level 14, the last two maze configurations alternate between each other every 4th level. The orange maze appears in levels 1 and 2, the light blue maze appears in levels 3, 4, and 5, the brown maze appears in levels 6 through 9, and the dark blue maze appears in levels 10 through 13.